Currently, the data-bases existing worldwide on nanoparticles are unable to extract information automatically from the meta-data that they possess. Moreover, the long termed upholding in an updated state and efficient use by the different user communities is a constant challenge facing the organizations operating these data bases. Therefore, there is a need, both in Europe and outside it, to have a free access structured information database on the impact of nanoparticles on health and environment that will possess the capabilities of employing automatic tools for update and comprehensive analysis of the published data.
The goal of the NHECD project is to build a free access robust and sustainable system than can meet the challenge of automatically keeping rich and up-to-date scientific research repository, enabling a comprehensive analysis of published data on environment and health effects following exposure to nanoparticles. Methodology and automated ranking and commenting processes will be set up handling unlimited number of detailed research results so that a large scale knowledge base can be built and maintained on a long term basis. This process will be accompanied and supported by automated data and text mining techniques capable to extract the results from unlimited number of published papers.
The NHECD approach will be based on the integration of the following features:
It is expected that the combined features of the suggested database will lead to a synergistic outcome enabling: