Databases for chemicals management purposes |
chemfinder.cambridgesoft Online chemistry and biology reference database, with more than 500,000 compounds indexed and linked to other web sites |
chem industry databases of Web sites include more than 45,000 chemical industry related entities and contain the full text of millions of pages. provides specialized search services for chemical names, jobs, market research and consultants. |
ECHA - European Chemicals Agency - Information on Chemicals |
chemexper This database contains chemicals with their physical characteristics. The ChemExper Chemical Directory contains for now over 200,000 different chemicals, 10,000 MSDS and over 10,000 IR spectra. |
CHEMOLINK chemolink's web service allow chemical professionals to exchange, recycle, barter chemicals, ideas, challenges and other documents around the world. There is no fee associated with most of the services/posting. Main objective of this site is to promote interaction among chemical professionals and save environment from surplus chemicals. |